Puedes ver el resto de la editorial en...REFLEXmag desde la pagina 123.
Durante esta producción pasamos muchísimo frío, harían unos 2ºC. Hubo un momento en el que la temperatura era tan baja que estuvimos a punto de pararlo todo. Finalmente aguantamos el frío y pudimos terminarlo. Agradezco la paciencia del equipo.
El nombre de la editorial es Terrible Love porque en una de las veces que paramos para entrar en calor sonaba ese tema de The National. Nadie dijo una palabra, solo se escuchaba esa canción entre la tensión de los cuerpos helados y el calor de las tazas de té.
You can see the rest in... REFLEXmag from page 123.
During this production, we were very cold, around 2ºC. There was a time when the temperature was so low that we were about to stop everything. Finally we endure the cold and we could finish it. I appreciate the patience of the team.
The name of the publisher is Terrible Love because when we stopped to warm sounded the theme of The National. Nobody said a word, just listening to that song between the tension of the icy bodies and the heat of the tea cups.
During this production, we were very cold, around 2ºC. There was a time when the temperature was so low that we were about to stop everything. Finally we endure the cold and we could finish it. I appreciate the patience of the team.
The name of the publisher is Terrible Love because when we stopped to warm sounded the theme of The National. Nobody said a word, just listening to that song between the tension of the icy bodies and the heat of the tea cups.
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